I need to take pictures of all the yard work, and garden work we've done the past two weeks. You'd be impressed. Most of it looks pretty good, except one strangly pruned bush that someone attacked the weekend of our home coming. Definitely need a pix of that. But there is at least a better pathway. It kind of reminds me of some of the hair cuts I used to give the boys. Maybe revenge was the motivation.
We held our first Addiction Recovery class tonight and had 13 people come. We are way psyched up that so many in Blanding, will admit there is a problem and want to change. We have a great facilitator to help us. the new Ensign has an article abut the prgram we're using.
Anthony's knee is still hurting, but even up a Altamont he's been doing the physical therapy and is nearly to the 90 degree bend, so he's making progress.
Our home evening buddies came over last night and we played a really fun game, called Imaginiff. I'd definitly give it two thumbs up, even if we did buy ours at the Goodwill store in Gallup. Autumn had recommended it, and by some fluke we found it at our favorite shopping place!!
Had a wild crazy morning yesterday with Ethan and the four Winn children. Did a "fun" craft activity with glue that refused to stick. You can imagine how frustrating it was to the kids, but we finally resorted to glue guns, and got the dang treasure chests made. Boy, I'm glad I never tried those with the Ganado Sr. citizens.
Dad put up a new vinyl lattice for my climbing roses.
Quent was the one who helped me originally put up the wooden one I think. When was that? At least 12 years ago or more. The roses are especially beautiful this spring, we've had so much wonderful rain. The 4th ward sisters are coming here tomorrow for lunch--the menu is sandwiches...I'd of thought of something more exotic, but I was asked to be the host, not the idea person.
Well I'm headed to bed now, though may read a bit first. Dad's read about 3 books since we got home, and I haven't finished one. I've got to swear off Facebook for a week or so, and catch up.