Post #2 We’ve had to change our watches three times so far, and Dad keeps getting up earlier and earlier as a result. I think he left at 5:30 to go walk Wed. morning. I only got in 8000+ steps today and yesterday, but am so thankful I’m not seasick any more. We’ve attended a couple of lectures about the islands, as well as about whales, marine life, language, Hawai’ian foods, etc. Dad ate snails and frog legs for supper tonight. My most exotic thing has been to try sushi and cold apple soup.
We haven’t been able to talk any of our group into joining us to play games this trip. All the wives say their husbands don’t like to play games, so I guess I’m lucky to have one who does. Tonight we played 5 Crowns by ourselves.
I spent most of the day glued to Dan Brown’s Lost Symbols. Finished it Thurs. morning. It was surprising how many of the ideas – especially in the final chapters of the book, parallel LDS beliefs. Usually people are criticizing us because we believe that man is as God once was, and as God is, man may become. Brown also espouses the idea of intelligence and spirit given to us by God, that we’re created in his image and can become like him. Nice surprising ideas coming from a popular writer, since I had expected him to attack the Mormon-Mason connection.
We’re re-reading The Last Lecture, which will be a book discussion on the return trip. I highly recommend it for all those with children still in their jurisdiction and care. Lots of good ideas.
The Widdison’s in our group celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary today. She is a 3 year survivor of cancer. Another lady at our table is a 5 year survivor. Have also made friends with a couple from St. Anthony Idaho..the Beeches. They are farmers, but she worked at the Rexburg hospital for 52 years.
It has been quite hot out on the decks of the ship in the afternoons. There are 3 big pools, and several smaller ones, which we have yet to try.
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