Tammy and Laurie and Brendan came over on Tuesday and we had a nice visit while the kids played, and then we had supper together before they left. Peyton picked out a shirt that matched for her and Laurie. The boys got similar shits too, but they weren't so enamoured by them!
Steve drove up on Wed. so he was there to help part of the time, and a Kirby guy came by and cleaned one of the rooms...so that was a great bonus surprise! On Thursday, I did some fabric shopping, and picked up 25 State frames to use in our quilt show. It took me 3 times scheduling before we got together, but it was a straight shot from Autumn's on 3rd W. and 45th. While I was meandering, Steve fixed a delicious meal of B-B-Que Ribs, potatoes, and salads. We also ate a lot of mangos while they were gone, as Autumn had gotten 2 boxes from Bountiful Baskets.
On Friday we drove up to Kaysville to celebrate Gannon's 2nd birthday. Denny and Connie were there as well, and Autumn's gang stopped in on the way up to Bear Lake for the Jeppson Reunion.
Had gourmet hot dogs, fruit, and chips. They kids did water slides, jumped in a castle, and hunted in straw for treasures.
Even grandpa and Leah got in on the hunt.
Of course the main event was blowing out candles multiple times, and opening presents.
Afterwards we headed to Provo for a 2nd set of wonderful Celebrations!
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