The Energizer Cowboys who kept things humming at the reunion

The Energizer Cowboys who kept things humming at the reunion
These kids know how to have fun!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Best Birthday Present Ever

Two of our daughter-in-laws (Amy and Bev) pulled together one of the best birthday presents ever, when they went in cahoots with Steve and absconded with my e-mail addresses, asking friends to write a memory they had with me. 

    It was a most wonderful surprise, and evoked both tears and laughter as I read it.  I have truly been blessed with so many wonderful friends over the years, and then when you add to that mix, the eternal, constant love of family, and relatives, it made for a wonderful book to read, and re-read. 

Thank you to everyone who participated.  There were over 80 letters, and I loved everyone of them.
 Here are some of the grandkid's letters and drawings.

And some of the letters from special friends.

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